- Windows10/11 or Linux
- .Net6
- vcpp2010
- VisualStudio2022 (Windows only)
Installing the workloads (you do not need VS2022 if you are on Linux)
Cosmos requires a workload for Visual Studio to work. To install it, select the Extensions Development workload in the Visual Studio installer before installing Visual Studio 2022, or if you already have it installed, you can modify the install and add the workload.
Downloading the devkit
If you have Git installed, run this command in an empty folder:
git clone
Else, you can go to the CosmosOS repo and clone it manually. Remember to put it in an empty folder.
After cloning the repo, you need to rename the Cosmos-master folder to Cosmos.
Building the devkit
Run the install-VS2022.bat file with administrator privileges and make sure to have Visual Studio closed.
In the makefile change line 19 from:
Open a terminal in the Cosmos folder and run the make command. You might want to also install the Cosmos template. To install it, run:
dotnet new install source/templates/csharp
Optionally, you can install CosmosCLI for better project management on Linux.